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Friday, March 17, 2017

USFA LODD: Iowa Firefighter On-Duty Death Notification 03.17.2017

Firefighter Steven Paul Buser, 51, finished working his shift at 0700hrs on March 17, 2017, during which he responded to an emergency call at 1900hrs on March 16, 2017. After his shift, Firefighter Buser stayed at the fire station to exercise where he was alone. At 0930hrs, someone entered the fire station and found Firefighter Buser unresponsive. Firefighter Buser was transported to the hospital where he was pronounced deceased from a nature and cause of fatal injury still to be reported.
Our condolences to the Buser Family & Friends, Ames Fire Department, and to all affected by Firefighter Steven Paul Buser's passing.      

To date, 23 firefighter fatalities have been reported to USFA in 2017. Year-to-date monthly and annual USFA firefighter fatality reports are posted online at U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) Fatality Notices page.

(The usual disclaimers: I am not a journalist; This is a blog that expresses an outlook and is not conclusive in any shape or manner.) 

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