(The usual disclaimers: I am not a journalist; this is a blog that expresses an outlook and is not conclusive in any shape or manner.)
(The usual disclaimers: I am not a journalist; this is a blog that expresses an outlook and is not conclusive in any shape or manner.)
September 20, 2010 – The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside all sleeping areas, and on every level of the home, including the basement. According to the NFPA, which develops NFPA 72, National Smoke Alarm Code®, many homes still don’t have that level of protection. Unfortunately, almost two-thirds of home fire deaths per year result from fires in homes with no smoke alarms at all or no working smoke alarms.
In an effort to better educate the public about smoke alarm recommendations, NFPA is promoting “Smoke Alarms: A sound you can live with!” as the theme for Fire Prevention Week 2010, October 3-9. NFPA has been the official sponsor of Fire Prevention Week for 88 years.
“Many U.S. homes may still only have one smoke alarm,” says Lorraine Carli, NFPA’s vice president of communications. “That is simply not enough.” Carli emphasizes that smoke alarms must be installed in all bedrooms, not just near them, to ensure that everyone is alerted in time to escape safely.
Smoke alarms can cut the chance of dying in a fire in half, but they must be working properly to do so. NFPA’s data shows that many homes have smoke alarms that aren’t working or maintained properly, usually because of missing, disconnected or dead batteries.
“This year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign works to motivate the public to actively determine whether they have proper smoke alarm protection throughout their homes,” says Carli. “It also encourages people to explore newer, more comprehensive options for smoke alarms.”
According to NFPA, interconnected smoke alarms offer the best protection; when one sounds, they all do. This is particularly important in larger or multi-story homes, where the sound from distant smoke alarms may be reduced to the point that it may not be loud enough to provide proper warning, especially for sleeping individuals. Interconnected smoke alarms can be hard-wired or wireless battery-operated interconnected alarms are now available.
NFPA offers the following tips for making sure smoke alarms are maintained and working properly:
Fire departments throughout the country will be hosting activities during Fire Prevention Week to promote the campaign locally. These educational, family-oriented activities can help everyone learn more about the power of smoke alarms, newer options for installing and maintaining them properly, and ultimately, how to better protect themselves and loved ones from fire.
To find out more about Fire Prevention Week, smoke alarms and this year’s campaign, “Smoke Alarms: A sound you can live with!,” visit NFPA’s Web site at www.firepreventionweek.org.
About the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) NFPA is a worldwide leader in providing fire, electrical, building, and life safety to the public since 1896. The mission of the international nonprofit organization is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on the quality of life by providing and advocating consensus codes and standards, research, training, and education.
(The usual disclaimers: I am not a journalist; this is a blog that expresses an outlook and is not conclusive in any shape or manner.)
NFPA urges focus on fire safety for college students returning to school
Offers important safety tips for on-campus and off-campus housing
September 2, 2010 – The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) urges students returning to campuses around the country and their parents to take the time to educate themselves on life-saving fire safety information. Thousands of fires occur each year in both on- and off-campus housing, many of which could have been easily prevented.
“While parents often take the time to educate their children about home fire safety, a focus on fire safety while living away from home is often neglected,” said Lorraine Carli NFPA’s vice president of communications. “Whether students are living on-campus or in off-campus housing, it is important for these young adults to take an active role in fire prevention and safety.”
A leading cause of campus fires is cooking, with cooking equipment involved in 75 percent of the reported dormitory fires. Although only five percent of fires in campus housing began in the bedroom, these fires accounted for 62 percent of the civilian deaths and one-quarter (26 percent) of the civilian injuries. While only two percent of the structure fires were caused by smoking materials, they were responsible for 39 percent of the deaths. Campus fires are more common during the evening hours between 5-11 p.m., as well as on weekends.
NFPA has partnered with Domino’s Pizza and Center for Campus Fire Safety to spread the message of campus fire safety by participating in a series of college campus events across the nation.
Other sources for campus fire safety include igot2kno, fire prevention and safety for college students and young adults, as well as USFA’s Focus on Fire Safety: Residential Sprinklers and Student Housing Fire Safety.
NFPA offers the following safety tips for campus fire safety:
Be Prepared for a Fire
Escape Tips
About the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
NFPA is a worldwide leader in providing fire, electrical, building, and life safety to the public since 1896. The mission of the international nonprofit organization is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on the quality of life by providing and advocating consensus codes and standards, research, training, and education.
(The usual disclaimers: I am not a journalist; this is a blog that expresses an outlook and is not conclusive in any shape or manner.)