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Monday, September 14, 2009

Smoke Detectors –Useful Tools in Fire Prevention

by: Brian Ayling

Smoke detectors are very important tools in preventing fires. Fires are one of the most common and most destructive accidents that can happen in one’s home or work place; it can happen when least expected which even makes it more lethal. It is amusing how one very small and mostly neglected contraption has saved so many lives and prevented loss of property. Oddly enough some people do not even realize what smoke detectors are even if they are constantly within its proximity.

The detectors are early warning devices that can prevent disasters from occurring or at the very least save as much life and property from damage or injury in case a fire happens. It is important that a person treats the device as a method of protection and therefore may act appropriately in the event that the detector is set off. The detectors are only one of a bevy of fire safety equipment that helps protect individuals by harm that could be caused by fires.

The detectors are small usually disk like objects that are mounted on the ceilings of buildings and apartments. These mechanisms are sensitive to smoke and are usually rigged to trigger other fire safety equipment such as fire alarms and sprinkler systems. Smoke detectors usually emanate a shrill sound when activated. The detectors are scattered in every room so in case fire starts in a specific area inhabitants will be immediately notified and the proper course of action will be taken.

The detectors serve as an early warning device that triggers as long as there is a significant amount of smoke in an area. In some infrastructures the detectors can trigger the activation of a chain of equipment that effectively warn people of the fire, administer emergency response such as activation of anti fire sprinkler systems, activation of a fire alarm to notify the fire department, isolation of the area of incident, and activation of emergency lights that lead to emergency exit points.

The smoke detectors are part of emergency standards regulated by certain government agencies. Permits to occupy buildings are not released unless the owners comply with these emergency standards. As a way of maintenance agencies like local fire departments do routine checkups on buildings to ensure that fire safety equipment such as the detectors are active and functional.

The detectors may also be seen in residential areas and people are encouraged to have them installed in case they aren’t yet. For people who already have the devices installed, there are certain maintenance procedures that should be done to keep the detectors active and therefore keep it efficient in being a dependable early fire warning device. One can clean the devices by wiping dust and dirt off to ensure that the slots used to detect smoke are optimized, by no means should anyone try to remove the devices and clean them while removed. In case one suspects damaged or faulty detectors he or she can contact the fire department to have the detector checked out.

Source: Articlecity

(The usual disclaimers: I am not a journalist; This is a blog that expresses an outlook and is not conclusive in any shape or manner.)

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