Well now, here it is, a whole month since I started blogging and WOW! I’ve actually written some stuff and posted stuff to where the TFPFP Blog has taken form. CONTENT, CONTENT! That’s what the blogging thing is all about. : )
Now I guess everyone goes through this “look at me, look at me, its my one month blog anniversary” and I’m no exception. I’ll admit it. LOL! I’ve actually had fun doing the bogging, and I’m looking at some other projects because of it, as well as continuing blogging. I have one project on the drawing board now. I don’t want to bite off more then I can chew so for me, like I stated in my “Training is Important…” blog entry yesterday, being steady, in control, and most important: be consistent will be my key foundation to continue with my blogging. At least till my “look at me, look at me, it’s my one YEAR blog anniversary” comes around.
The month has gone by very quick but writing articles for TFPFP blog has put me down that path of opening a Facebook to see what that is all about. Actually it was my buds from those Air Force days in Kansas that got me going on the Facebook. It is great hooking up with them again along with some friends & old co-workers to catch up with and to stay in contact with now. Alot more fun then the email. Facebook is what I would call a “Good Communication Tool.”
I’ve also ventured into the Twitter realm since starting the TFPFP blog. Oh my, how did that happen? At first I was a bit wary, not knowing what to expect of venturing into the unknown of the Twitter World. Figure I see what I thought was something new but had been around for a few years, and getting a lot of play on the internet and on the news was all about. After reading up on it, seeing a few what I would call Twitter “high rollers” talk about Twitter, I figure it wouldn’t hurt to giving it a try. I said that about playing an online game called Travian and got pretty hooked but beat that habit, luckily after two go arounds with the game. Fun game but can be very time consuming. Twitter isn’t an online game, it’s a bit different and I can see it being time consuming if you let it. Just check the YouTubes about Twitter, funny stuff.
I like the Twitter though after driving it around the block this past month and will be hanging out on the web with it. Why? It’s another “Good Communication Tool.” Just read the New York Post: TWEET DEALS, USING TWITTER TO FIND A JOB which is a great article on how the Twitter is a valuable networking tool. That is no game when something so simple a Twitter can get you back to being employed after getting caught in a “Resource Reduction” which is what their calling lay offs now. Twitter is some serious stuff! The New York Post article also mentions or I should say quote one of my Twitter “high rollers,” Joel Comm who is the author of “Twitter Power.” Joel Comm is a very inspiring person that if it wasn’t for the blogging and twittering I wouldn’t have met or known about otherwise. This Twitter is endless of the knowledgeable people you can, in twitter terms, “Following.”
So for me this first month of blogging on the TFPFP blog has been very eye opening and a learning experience. As I look at Google and do a two word search for “Tioga Fire” the results is 7th of about 444,000 for TFPFP. If you do a three word search on Google for “Tioga Fire Protection” the results has TFPFP at #1 of about 46,100. Wow! That’s a benchmark I like to thank those that have visited Tioga Fire Protection and Fire Prevention thus far.
I will keep to my core ideas for this Blogger spot of having an area to share thoughts, ideas, or just some general discussion on the Fire Protection & Fire Prevention subjects. I remain excited in having this spot on the internet to be able to do that. Thank you again and God Bless. : )
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