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Monday, February 25, 2019

USFA LODD: Alabama Firefighter On-Duty Death Notification 02.23.2019

On February 19, 2019, Firefighter Brenden Pierce, 21, started his shift at the Palmerdale Fire District, Station 3. During this shift at approximately 12:30 a.m. on February 20, 2019, Firefighter Pierce suffered a medical emergency after responding to a weather-related call. He was immediately transported to the Grandview Medical Center where he was declared brain dead on February 20, 2019. Because Firefighter Brenden Pierce was an organ donor, his organs were transplanted to multiple recipients over the next few days. Firefighter Brenden Pierce’s official date of death was February 23, 2019.
Our condolences to the Pierce Family & Friends, Palmerdale Fire District, and to all affected by Firefighter Brenden Pierce’s passing.     
To date, 04 firefighter fatalities have been reported to USFA in 2019. Year-to-date monthly and annual USFA firefighter fatality reports are posted online at U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) Fatality Notices page.

(The usual disclaimers: I am not a journalist; This is a blog that expresses an outlook and is not conclusive in any shape or manner.) 

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