Why hit the beach when you could spend Memorial Day weekend at home?
That’s one question many New Yorkers are asking in the wake of a struggling economy – one that is forcing many people to forgo vacationing and instead stay close to home this summer and enjoy outdoor activities like backyard barbecues.
The Firemen’s Association of the State of New York (FASNY) reminds New Yorkers that while “Staycations” is fun for the whole family, it also wants homeowners to play it safe this summer.
“With Memorial Day weekend right around the corner, the outdoor cookout season will soon be in full swing. Unfortunately, a barbecue grill could start a fire if certain safety rules are ignored. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, almost 5,000 Americans are injured by grill fires every year. We urge families to follow these simple safety tips so that their summer season remains a safe and fun one,” said Thomas J. Cuff, Jr., President of FASNY.
• Check your grill thoroughly for leaks, cracking or brittleness before using it.
• Check the tubes leading to the burner regularly for blockages. Check your specific grill manufacturer's instructions. • Make sure the grill is at least 10 feet away from your house, garage, trees or anything else flammable.
• Store and use your grill on a large flat surface that cannot burn (e.g. concrete or asphalt).
• Don't use grills in a garage, on a porch, deck or on top of anything that can catch on fire. Never use a propane barbecue grill on a balcony, terrace or roof; it is both dangerous and illegal.
• Keep children away from fires and grills. It is a good idea to establish a safety zone around the grill and instruct children to remain outside the zone.
• Have a fire extinguisher, a garden hose attached to a water supply, or at least 16-quarts of water close by in case of a fire.
• Before getting a propane cylinder filled, check for any damages to it.
• Never transport or store propane cylinders in the trunk of your automobile.
• Keep children away from the grill.
• Don't wear loose clothing that might catch fire.
• Use long-handled barbecue tools and/or flame-resistant mitts.
• Never use any flammable liquid other than a barbecue starter fluid to start/freshen a fire.
• Never pour or squirt starter fluid onto an open flame. The flame can easily flashback along the fluid's path to the container in your hands.
• Keep alcoholic beverages away from the grill, they are flammable!
• Never leave the grill unattended.
• When lighting your propane barbecue, make sure all the connections are secure and open the lid and strike your match or lighter before turning on the gas.
• Always shut off the propane fuel at the grill and at the bottle after you have finished barbecuing. Otherwise, this will lead to fire hazards, such as leaks and faulty regulators.
• Store your BBQ and propane cylinder outdoors.
• Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the safe use, cleaning and maintenance of your BBQ.
• Test your cylinder for leaks on a regular basis. When testing for leaks, never use matches or an open flame. Use soapy water or a leak detector.
• Store your cylinder away from heat and insert a safety plug on the valve.
• Always follow the manufacturer's cleaning and storing instructions that accompany the grill.
• Keep your grill clean and free of grease buildup that may lead to a fire.
• Never store liquid or pressurized fuels inside your home and/or near any possible sources of flame.
• For PROPANE Grills - turn off the burners. For CHARCOAL Grills - close the grill lid. Disconnect the power to ELECTRIC Grills.
• For PROPANE Grills - if you can safely reach the tank valve, shut it off.
• If the fire involves the tank, leave it alone, evacuate the area and call the fire department.
• If there is any type of fire that either threatens your personal safety or endangers property, ALWAYS CALL YOUR FIRE DEPARTMENT.
• NEVER attempt to extinguish a grease fire with water. It will only cause the flames to flare up. Use an approved portable fire extinguisher.