Not all alarms that the fire department respond to are life threating, but far too many are. The fire department responds to all types and kinds of emergencies, hazardous chemical dangers, auto accidents, and fires to name a few. Now is the time to educate yourselve, family members, neighbors, and co-workers. By doing so helps us all gain a better understanding of how important fire prevention in the home and work place is.
Here’s a YouTube video about some fire safety tips by Captain Joe Bruni. Fire Fighter Joe has more than 30 years of experience as a street fire fighter and company officer. He has also worked as department training officer in the Fire and Rescue Safety & Training Division. Here’s the video…
Fire Drills Are Important For Because:
• They help ensure familiarity with exit routes and can build confidence in your ability to respond promptly and safely if an actual fire occurs.
• They familiarize building occupants with the sound of the fire alarm.
• They are training opportunities for emergency response units.
• They serve as important tests of alarm systems and fire reporting procedures.
• They save lives! A fire drill is a brief interruption in your life … better brief than permanent.
The majority of fatal fires occur in the middle of the night when people are normally asleep. It’s to late to discover the bedroom window is stuck and won’t open while a fire blazes around you. Practice finding your escape route . Know where all exit ways will lead to, and that would be outside. In a real fire once you probably won’t be able to see through the smoke, stay low, so crawl on your hands and knees. When you reach a exit get out and stay out. “Fire Drills Save Lives.” Always know and "Have A 2nd Way Out!"
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