Getting your vehicle stopped and the engine shut off is a key step in preventing engine fires from becoming uncontrollable.
Now, I've been on many a car/MVA fire incidents and they are not a pretty site as anyone that has been in one knows very well first hand. Just like any fire getting out & away from the fire to safety is the goal and most important part.
The last car fire I responded on was on a white van that upon arrival on the engine company to the scene, on the highway, we could see the vehicle driver was out and had actually got all the belongings & contents out that belong to the bussness he worked for. Unfortontally the van had errupped into a blaze which is usually the case in most car/vehicle fires if extinguishing agent isn't applied quiickly on the on set on the fire.
The following YouTube video is of a fully involved car fire with firefighters responding, arriving, and deploying handline on the scene to battle an automobile fire. This video shows an almost exact firefighting operation that I had took part in the white van fire I had fought but in this video's case its a white station wagon :
We don't focus on vehicle fires all that much as we do structural fires. I came across an article by Josh Max talking about an experience with a car fire himself. Here now is a Guest Blog Post on:
What To Do If Your Car Catches Fire
by Josh Max Correspondent, AOL Autos
(AOL Autos) Vehicle fires are one of the scariest things that can happen on the road – and they happen more often than you think. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) says 33 car fires are reported every hour in the U.S., and 18 percent of all reported fires occur on a road or highway and involve a motor vehicle. One person per day died in a car fire incident between 2003 and 2005, and in 2007 there were 258,000 vehicle fires causing 385 deaths, 1,675 injuries and 1.41 billion dollars' worth of damages. Teens and young adults with driver's licenses are most likely to be involved in car fire accidents, according to the National Fire Incident Reporting System, and young males are victims more often than females.
These statistics, while sobering, don't mean you should worry that your vehicle is going to spontaneously combust on your drive home from work. But safe driving and regular maintenance are important to reducing your chances of being involved in one of these incidents.
The Fireball Van
My own experience with car fires happened in high school, when a friend bought a used van. He gassed it up weekly but otherwise didn't open the hood. Even when the vehicle started having problems starting, he ignored any maintenance. At least until other passengers and I noticed a burning smell.
My buddy attributed it to the odometer: The van had over 100,000 miles on it and a bit of foul odor here and there was natural, he reassured us. But when the engine began belching dense smoke, he finally pulled over. We disembarked as the cockpit filled with smoke and in about 15 minutes, the entire van was a fireball. To make matters worse, the fire wasn't covered by insurance.
That's because standard auto insurance usually doesn't cover vehicle fires, says AAA spokesman Robert Sinclair. "The only way a vehicle will be covered if it catches fire is if you have comprehensive coverage," Sinclair told AOL Autos, "If you've got an older vehicle, we tell people that after probably eight or nine years, it makes sense to drop comprehensive coverage because you'll probably be paying out more than what the vehicle is worth."
Insured or not, watching your vehicle burn by the side of the road is an experience you don't want to go through. Here are a few common-sense tips that can help prevent vehicle fires, provided by the National Safety Council:
1. If you smell burning plastic or rubber, pull over safely and investigate. Don't try to make it home before you determine what the trouble is.
2. Get in the habit of having your car tuned up and checked out at least once a year. An inspection should include examining the vehicle for gas or oil leaks. If you suspect a leak, park a newspaper under your vehicle at night and weigh it down with a heavy object; in the morning, check the paper for stains.
3. If a fuse keeps blowing, that's a sign of electrical trouble, the same as in your house. Don't let it keep happening without investigating, as an overloaded wire can be the source of a fire.